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AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g

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AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
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139,00 EUR
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
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Products description

AEROMatt, the inexpensive and storable replacement e.g. for NEXTEL
AEROMatt is a water-based two-coat paint consisting of two components. It produces a non-reflective finish, as required for aircraft cockpits. The feel of the surface is soft and suede-like.
AEROMatt also guarantees a high degree of hardness, durability, abrasion, scratch and chemical resistance and is environmentally friendly.
The varnish is applied in 2 coats, the pack size offered is sufficient for approx. 1 square metre when used sparingly.
The components can be stored for long periods in a cool, dry place away from light.

Here is a short, stylish processing video to watch

Colour grey: Dark grey, similar to RAL 9011
Colour black: Very dark black, similar to RAL 9005

Technical data:
Container size: 1000g primer, 1000g top coat each plus hardener
Reflectance: max. 1.5 GU below 85°C surface temperature
Minimum quantity required (60µm layer thickness dry): 3.5 - 4 sqm/litre
Pot life (20 °C, 50% HR): 180min
Dust-dry after 3-40 minutes
Further processing possible after 4-5 hours
Completely dry after approx. 4 days (20°C)


Technical documentation
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AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
AeroMatt Cockpitcoating 1000g
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